Why work with me?
Each one of us already has inside ourselves the innate ability to get what we want and communicate who we are, how we feel and what we want. The light inside each of us is already there. By teaching you a few basic skills, all I do is flip the switch. Everything you need to improve your life and your relationships is already inside you. As your Life Coach, I can help you turn on the light. By exploring the unique gifts that you already have within you, I will give you the tools to get what you want and communicate your authentic self to others in new and exciting ways. The tools I give you can make you feel heard, understood and valued by every person in your life – your significant other, parents, siblings, children, boss and co-workers. Best of all, at the end of our life coaching together, you will feel ready and empowered to get anything you want in your life. The most important thing I want you to take away from Life Coaching with me is that it is ALL ABOUT YOU. My goal is to help you create a plan which is an ideal match for the person who matters most in your life – you.
Below are some of the comprehensive skills you will learn in our work together. The great thing about this list is that it continues to grow as my program evolves. (I learn so much from my clients!)
Just a Few of the Skills You Will Learn:
· How to Communicate Clearly and Assertively To Get What You Want
· How to Build Rapport With Everyone
· How to Communicate w/Difficult People and in Emotional or Complicated Situations
· How to Give and Receive Constructive Feedback
· How to Become an Expert Listener
· How to Start and End Conversations
· How to Deal with Rumors & Gossip
· How to Make Allies
· Interpersonal Skills That Work
· How to Communicate With All Age Groups
· How to Communicate With People with Power To Get What You Want
· How to Communicate with Both Genders (yes, to get what you want)
· How to Communicate Assertively (but not Aggressively)
My Services:
Below are the 3 Life Coaching Package Options that I offer. (I think you will find them very affordable) If you decide that Life Coaching with me is something you'd like to pursue, I will then work with you to custom-design whichever package you select to fit exactly with your personality, needs, goals, schedule, and time-table. Coaching sessions are virtual via zoom with possible exceptions for clients in the New York City area.
There is no pre-requisite for any of the Life Coaching Packages below and I work hard to make sure that each package fits within your budget. The Level II and Level III Life Coaching Packages are especially recommended because of the benefits that have been demonstrated from coaching for a longer period of time in order to see substantial results. (Because creating a plan for your life can take time and it's especially important to me that you have the biggest advantage possible in our work together, I offer a discount for the longer-running packages.)
If any of the packages below appeal to you, feel free to contact me and we can work out the details:
$800. Level I Basic Life Coaching Package:
13-Week (3 month) Path to Improving Your Life
In the Level I package, we meet one-on-one once per week for 13 weeks. Each weekly session runs 60-90 minutes per week depending on your needs and time-table. We will focus on learning and practicing basic skills that you can use in your daily life to help you tackle the toughest of problems and get you want you want. We will take an extensive look at what steps you can take in your own life to address your particular concerns and then create a plan to help you get what you want. We will work together to develop a short-term Plan of Action with specific steps you can take to realize your dreams.
One-on-One Basic Life Coaching which includes:
- A Guided, Step-By-Step Process of Discovering how you can integrate effective communication tools and skills into every aspect of your life
- Exploration of the meaning of "Communication" in your life -- what is your definition of effective communication? In what ways would you like to communicate better with the people in your life?
- *Self-Exploration -- Who Are You? --- use of multi-faceted tools, conversation and exercises to explore who you are, who you want to be, what are your goals, desires, dreams and how can you make them a reality. *Source: The Life Purpose Institute
- Finding CALMNESS --- (Optional) Guided Meditation and/or Reiki Healing to explore ways that you can be a calmer, more peaceful, More Serene You
- Weekly Follow-Up Calls to touch base and support you in integrating the skills you have learned into your daily life
Goal of Level I Package:
To create a Short-Term Strategic Plan of Action for a Minimum of 90-Days which will allow you to begin to incorporate all the Basic Skills you have learned into more fulfilling relationships and a more joyful life
$1,500 Level II Intermediate Life Coaching Package:
26-Week (6 month) Intermediate Path to Getting What You Want
The Level II package is a continuation of practicing and reviewing the basic skills learned in Level I, followed by a more in-depth discussion of who you are and what you want for your life. The Level II package gives you the opportunity to think more deeply about what is missing in your relationships with those around you and what steps you can take to improve all aspects of your life and relationships. You will learn more Advanced Skills that you can integrate into your daily life and future long-term plan. In the latter part of Level II, we work on developing a longer-term step by step strategy for realizing your dreams and communicating more effectively with those around you.
One-on-One Intermediate Life Coaching which includes:
- An Intermediate-Term, Guided, Step-By-Step Process of Discovering how you can integrate effective communication tools and life skills into every aspect of your life
- Styles of Communication -- what are the different styles of communication and which style are you? Are you happy with your style?
- Deeper Exploration of the meaning of "Communication" in your life -- what is your definition of effective communication? In what ways would you like to communicate better with the people in your life?
- Advanced Self-Exploration -- Who Are You? --- use of multi-faceted tools, conversation and intermediate-level exercises to explore who you are, who you want to be, what are your goals, desires, dreams and how can you make them a reality. *Source: The Life Purpose Institute
- Basic Guided Meditation and Reiki Healing to explore ways that you can be a calmer, more peaceful, More Serene You
- Weekly Follow-Up Calls to touch base and support you in integrating the skills you have learned into your daily life
Goal of Level II Package:
To create an Intermediate Strategic Plan of Action for a Minimum of 26 Weeks which will allow you to continue to incorporate all the Advanced Skills you have learned into getting you what you want.
$2,500 Level III Intensive Life Coaching Package:
52-Week (1 Year) Intensive Path to Exploring & Deepening All Aspects of Your Life: Getting What You Want and Feeling Better....for Life
WHAT YOU GET: The Level III Package is the most intense and comprehensive of the three packages (and I believe the most rewarding and effective). It is a year-long experience of working together to hone your skills to an "expert" level. Level III is a deeper Self-Exploration process with tools and exercises to help you dig deep into who you are and what you want and how you can use the skills you have learned to develop a specific step-by-step plan for getting what you want.
One-on-One Intensive Life Coaching which includes:
- A Longer-Term, Guided, Step-By-Step Intensive Process of Discovering how you can integrate effective tools and skills into every aspect of your life...FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE
- Deeper, More Intensive Exploration of your own needs, goals and personal communication style -- what is your personal style? In what ways would you like to improve your life?
- Advanced Self-Exploration -- Who Are You and Who Do You Want to Be? --- use of multi-faceted tools, conversation and more advanced exercises to explore who you are, who you want to be, what are your goals, desires, dreams and how can you make them a reality. *Source: The Life Purpose Institute
- (Optional) Advanced Guided Meditation and Reiki Healing to explore ways that you can be a calmer, more peaceful, More Serene You
- Weekly Follow-Up Calls to touch base and support you in integrating the skills you have learned into your daily life
Goal of Level III Package:
To create a Long-Term (5, 10, 25-year - your choice) Advanced Strategic Plan of Action which will allow you to continue to incorporate all the Life Skills you have learned into a long-term plan that will enrich your relationships and your life in the long-term. The goal of the Level III package is to help you get what you want and feel better about everything.
© 2013 Cinda Lawrence. All rights reserved.